SigueSol offers a diverse range of structural solutions adapted to all types of soils, ensuring optimal performance. We guarantee quality with durable products that withstand the most demanding conditions.

Every project is unique. That’s why our structures have to be unique as well.

Our structures are custom-designed to adapt to the specific characteristics of the installation site and are compatible with all photovoltaic panels. They provide a solid and durable base, ensuring the longevity of the photovoltaic plant. Thanks to our various foundation solutions and our continuous pursuit of innovation, we are able to create the structure that best meets your expectations.


  • Our foundations are designed to adapt to all sites and soil types. When pre-drilling is necessary, no concrete is required.
  • Our structures can be specifically adapted to sloped terrains (up to 35°), ensuring harmonious integration even in topographically complex environments.
  • Our rail system is compatible with all types of photovoltaic modules and maximizes the benefit of bifacial modules.


  • Each project is carefully designed and rigorously dimensioned, ensuring the integrity of the structure throughout the entire lifespan of the plant.
  • Thanks to their zinc/magnesium coating, our structures are durable and resistant to harsh environmental conditions (corrosion classes C3 to C5).
  • Our foundations do not require any buried concrete, making our structures fully demountable and leaving no trace on the site after dismantling.


  • Thanks to their adjustment possibilities and our rail system, our structures allow for quick assembly and installation of the modules.
  • Easy access from below facilitates any interventions during the plant's lifespan.
  • The systematic marking of assembly bolts facilitates their periodic inspection.

Foundation screws

The foundation screws from SigueSol are the ideal solution to combine efficiency, durability, and environmental respect in all your projects.


The composition of the backside of photovoltaic panels plays a key role in their resistance, and thus, in the longevity and stability of their performance.


The Magnelis® coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, even in challenging environments.

There is definitely a solution for your project.


Adaptable to constraints of any kind

Compatible with any panel available on the market

Fast installation

No special construction requirements

Our projects

The Netherlands, screws — 13.3 MWp

France, screws — 5 MWp

France, ball joint bases on stringers – 14 MWp